Local YouTubers You Need To Know

San Antonian Nikole Jackson has over 22,000 Youtube subscribers. Her beauty tutorials have racked up over 50,000 views.

San Antonian Nikole Jackson has over 22,000 Youtube subscribers. Her beauty tutorials have racked up over 50,000 views.

The city of San Antonio is pretty damn big. You can meet just about every type of person here which is one of the reasons why there will be no place like home to me. There is a lot of diversity and local talent here, but I just want to acknowledge some of the local YouTubers based out of San Antonio. Love it or hate it, YouTube is another social media platform that is taking over the world. Personally, I love that I can turn to YouTube for multiple purposes like learning how to achieve a certain hair or makeup look, entertainment purposes, listening to music or learning a new skill. I found the channels of some local YouTubers that offer these types of videos.


11,984 Subscribers

Category: Gaming

By video games, I’m talking Call of Duty Black OPs. MrTheRevertz, or should I say, Matthew Gomez, uploads videos of him playing Call of Duty and his commentary on just about everything you need to know about certain characters, Blackout tips, news, and any breakdown needed to understand and play the game better. He released a lot of videos since the game came out last month, but his latest video was uploaded Nov. 1 and is titled, Black Ops 4: Free 500 COD Points & Earn In Game Items! (B04 Companion App Introduction) and in that video he lets his subscribers know about the Call of Duty Companion App that is linked in his video’s description. So how do I know that Matthew is a local YouTuber? Well, I actually met him through mutual friends and he told me about his YouTube channel when I brought up wanting to start my own channel. If I had not met Matthew in person, I would have no idea that he was a local.


22,256 Subscribers

Category: Makeup/Fashion/Cosplay

Nikolee Jackson is what they call a “beauty guru.” On her channel, she focuses on all things fashion and beauty and you can clearly see that she is very passionate about what she does. Anything that you want to learn on how to achieve a certain hairstyle or makeup look, she is your girl. Her channel also showcases some of her travel vlogs and you’ll notice that she is a Disney enthusiast who does cosplay for many of its characters and also enjoys creating looks that are a flash from the past. Nikole is a redhead like me, so I discovered her channel when I was trying to learn new tips and tricks on how to take better care of my red locks. Red hair is the fastest fading hair color there is, so the maintenance takes time to learn and the commitment is simply not for everyone. She updates these types of videos every so often and has a video for every fashion and beauty need.


137,239 Subscribers

Category: Makeup

If you’re looking for inspiration to achieve an extreme avant garde makeup look then look no further! DracMakens’ channel mainly focuses on makeup looks for anyone who is tired of the ordinary walks of life. DracMakens, or Bianca, uses her face as a canvas to create makeup looks that are gothy, colorful and otherworldly. Her channel targets any makeup lover who is inspired by all things spooky and the gothic subculture. I discovered her channel when I was looking for a makeup tutorial for the character Eric Draven from the movie The Crow. Her Eric Draven tutorial was the first video out of many I watched that night. I later discovered that she was a local when I saw her P.O. box was here in San Antonio. She has even gone on to sell some of her store’s merchandise at Toxic Hair Salon and Jess Adorables: Home of the Creepy Cute, a little shop inside Crossroads mall. You can find her online store here.


390,122 Subscribers

Category: Animation Reviewer/Cartoon Commentator/Podcast

I have to thank my brother for introducing me to RebelTaxi. Unlike the other channels mentioned on here, I have no idea what RebelTaxi’s real name is. In fact, he has only shown his face once on YouTube. His videos consist of reviews on anything from animated cartoons, bands, and games. While his channel is comparable to WatchMojo, a channel that does a lot of “Top 10” videos, RebelTaxi solely focuses on animation. I found out that he was a local YouTuber because while watching his ‘What do I use to Make My Art?’ video because there is a part of the video where he shows one of his cartoon characters near a building at The Pearl Brewery. RebelTaxi has his own podcast called the Pan Pizza Podcast with a group of his friends. Together they attended Comic Con earlier this year and RebelTaxi revealed his face for the first time to fans. Although timid around large crowds, he finds courage through YouTube.

I hope you take some time out of your day to check out these channels and support some local talent. The great thing about YouTubers is that they seem more down-to-earth and easier to relate to. Let me know if there are any local YouTubers you enjoy seeing in the comments below and I will definitely check out their channels. Now if you’ll excuse me, I finally have some time to watch Nikole’s ‘Every Day Makeup Routine’ video.

Love, Sara

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